Daily Equipment Rentals


  1. To reduce congestion and speed up the rental process, we recommend purchasing equipment rentals online, whether for part or the entire day. Currently, reservations aren’t required but may become mandatory later in the season.
  2. Please bring your emailed purchase receipt to the Rental Shop as proof of purchase.
  3. To speed up your visit, fill out the daily rental Release of Liability, Waiver of Claims, Assumption of Risks and Indemnity Agreement (the "Release Agreement") online before arriving. Please click on the link below to complete your Release Agreement. This Release Agreement must only be filled out once per season - we will keep it on file for future visits! We will have tablets on site if you forget to sign before you arrive, no paper copies will be available. 

Release of Liability

All daily renters must read and agree to a Rabbit Hill Snow Resort release of Liability, Waiver of Claims, Assumption of Risks and Indemnity Agreement (the "Release Agreement") before you come renting. Any renter under the age of 18 must have a parent or legal guardian sign and initial on their behalf. 


Release Agreement Required The use of ski area premises and facilities and participation in activities at ski areas involves various risks, dangers and hazards. As a condition of purchasing this product, the participant must READ and AGREE to the Rabbit Hill Snow Resort Release of Liability, Waiver of Claims, Assumption of Risks and Indemnity Agreement (the “Release Agreement”). These conditions will affect your legal rights, including the right to sue Rabbit Hill Snow Resort for negligence, breach of contract, or breach of the Occupiers’ Liability Act or claim compensation following an accident!


Learn More about Safety & Risk Awareness 

Daily Rental Pricing

Rentals can be added when you purchase your ticket online. If you need to purchase rentals individually, please visit the Rental Shop upon arrival.

Age Group Full Day 4 Hours or Less

Last 2 Hours
Sat., Sun. & Holidays*

First 2 Hours
Mon. - Fri. 
(Excludes Holidays)

 SAVE TIME & Sign your release agreement online!
(You only need to do this once per season!)

Ski or Snowboard Rental Package
(Includes Boots, Skis or Snowboard, and a Helmet)
 $42 $35 $21 $21

Daily Rental Release Agreement 

Tyke Rental Package (Ages 4-6)

(Includes Boots, Skis or Snowboard, and a Helmet)

$23 $23 $8 $8 Daily Rental Release Agreement

3 and Under Rental

(Includes Boots, Skis or Snowboard, and a Helmet)

$7 $7 $7 $7 Daily Rental Release Agreement

Ski or Snowboard Only

(Must be purchased in-person)

$35 $30 $21 $21 Daily Rental Release Agreement

Helmet or Boot Rental Only

(Must be purchased in-person)

$16 $16 $16 $16 Daily Rental Release Agreement
Add your rentals to your lift ticket purchase!

Buy Lift Ticket & Add Rentals


Family Package

A Family Lift Ticket Package includes lift tickets for up to 4 immediate family members. Add on the Family Rental Package to get access to ski or snowboard packages. More than 4 immediate members in your family? We offer great prices to add members to your family day package!

Immediate Family is defined as up to 2 adult parents/guardians and dependant children under 18 years of age living in the same residence. Additional immediate family members are an additional charge.

Family Lift Ticket Package
  • Full Day: $124 (Online) / $138 (Ticket Window)
    Additional Family Members:  $31 Each (Online) / $35 Each (Ticket Window)
Family Rental Package
  • Full Day: $80 - Available as an Add-On when you purchase your Family Lift Package
    Additional Family Rental Members: $25 Each
Add you rentals to your lift ticket purchase!

Buy Lift Ticket & Add Rentals

read our Refund Policy

Ski rentals include the use of skis, boots, poles, and helmets. Snowboard rental includes the use of snowboards, boots, and helmets. Family Rental Package is only available with the purchase of a Family Day Pass.


Rental Equipment Sizes

 Equipment Ski Snowboard
Smallest Boot Junior 8 Junior 9
Largest Boot Adult 16 Adult 15
Shortest Equipment 70 cm 75 cm
Longest Equipment 170 cm 163 cm

Looking for Season Equipment Rentals?

Save on your rentals this season with a season equipment rental.



Exclusion of Liability