Ability Levels

New for our 2024/2025 season, we are introducing ability levels to better identify and match your abilities. These ability levels will help you and our instructors understand your current skills and ensure you are placed in the appropriate group for the best learning experience. Whether you’re a complete beginner or an advanced rider, our levels are designed to provide clear progression and targeted instruction to help you reach your skiing or snowboarding goals.

Level 1: First-Time Skier
  • You have little to no skiing experience.

  • You are not yet comfortable with ski equipment or basic skiing techniques.

  • You want to learn the basics: how to stop, turn, and control your speed on gentle slopes using the snowplow (pizza) technique

  • You haven’t tried skiing or have only skied a couple of times.

  • You will be skiing on bunny hills using the magic carpet or tow rope.

Level 2: Novice Skier
  • You are comfortable skiing on the bunny hills using the magic carpet and tow rope.

  • You have basic control over your speed and direction using the snowplow (pizza) technique. 

  • You can stop and make simple turns with confidence.

  • You are looking to improve your technique and start skiing on green runs.

  • You want to gain more confidence and control on slightly steeper terrain.

  • You have some skiing experience but need to solidify your basic skills.

Level 3: Basic Turns
  • You feel comfortable skiing on green runs that are accessed by the chair lift.

  • You have tried some blue runs.

  • You can confidently use the chair lift and T-bar.

  • You have good control and can handle moderate slopes, primarily using the snowplow (pizza) technique but starting to make parallel turns.

  • You are looking to develop a more dynamic skiing style and tackle more challenging terrain.

Level 4: Intermediate Skier
  • You are comfortable skiing on all blue runs and can handle the chair lift and T-bar lift with ease.

  • You have a high level of control and experience on the slopes.

  • You are confident and skilled on steeper, more varied terrain, including black diamond runs.

  • You use parallel turns consistently and efficiently.

  • You are looking to fine-tune your techniques, improve your efficiency, and take on more advanced slopes.

  • You have significant skiing experience and are looking to push your abilities.

Level 5: Advanced Skier
  • You are an expert skier, comfortable on all types of terrain, including black diamond and off-piste runs.

  • You have mastered all lifts.

  • You have advanced control and can handle high speeds, steep slopes, and varied snow conditions with ease.

  • You use parallel turns exclusively and are interested in advanced techniques such as carving, jumping, and ski racing.

  • You have extensive skiing experience and are looking to challenge yourself and perfect your skills.

Level 1: First-Time Snowboarder
  • You have little to no snowboarding experience.

  • You are not yet comfortable with snowboard equipment or basic techniques.

  • You want to learn the basics: how to stop, balance, and control your speed on gentle slopes.

  • You haven’t tried snowboarding or have only snowboarded a couple of times.

  • You will be practicing on bunny hills using the magic carpet and tow rope.

Level 2: Novice Snowboarder
  • You are comfortable snowboarding on the bunny hills using the magic carpet and tow rope.

  • You can perform a heel side pendulum, maintaining control while moving side to side on your heel edge.

  • You are looking to start using your toe edge and begin working on C-turns.

  • You want to gain more confidence on slightly steeper terrain and prepare to move to green runs.

  • You have some snowboarding experience but still need more practice with the basics.

Level 3: Basic Turns
  • You are comfortable using both your heel and toe edges.

  • You can do C-turns and are looking to start linking them into S-turns.

  • You are comfortable using the chairlift and T-bar.

  • You feel confident on green runs and have started exploring some blue runs.

  • You are looking to develop a more fluid snowboarding style and tackle more challenging terrain.

Level 4: Intermediate Rider
  • You are comfortable snowboarding on all blue runs and have tried some black diamond runs.

  • You can consistently perform S-turns with control and confidence.

  • You can handle varied terrain and are looking to refine your technique on steeper slopes.

  • You are comfortable using all types of lifts, including the chairlift and T-bar.

  • You have significant snowboarding experience and are looking to push your abilities on more advanced terrain.

Level 5: Advanced Rider
  • You are an advanced snowboarder, comfortable on all types of terrain, including black diamond and off-piste runs.

  • You can ride at high speeds and handle steep slopes and varied snow conditions with ease.

  • You are looking to improve your performance with advanced techniques such as carving, jumping, and freestyle maneuvers.

  • You have extensive snowboarding experience and are seeking to challenge yourself and perfect your skills.

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